Saturday, April 9, 2016

What is your opinion of the current state of Presidential Politics in the U.S.?

   I want to start things off by asking for your opinion on a topic which has polarized this country in a way I haven't seen since the  Vietnam war.

What is your opinion of the current state of presidential politics in the U.S.?

                                                   (Photo: AP)
 Donald Trump and another Republican candidate Ted Cruz  have stirred up a segment of the population that is fed up with the direction the country has been run for the past seven and a half years and sees the U.S. as becoming weak and being disrespected by ISIS and their ilk. A lot of these folks are angry and afraid and have many legitimate concerns. As far as either candidates foreign policies, we know Trump wants a wall across our southern boarder. He and Cruz both seem to want to bomb the Middle East even farther back into the stone age. From what I can see, both want to increase the strength and size of the military and use it as a deterrent to aggression around the world. Diplomacy be damned.

  On the other side are Hillary Clinton And Bernie Sanders. Hillary wants to continue many of the policies of the current President and has support from a large portion of the moderate and liberal Democrats, who voted for her husband and Obama and feel the economy is moving in the right direction and our foreign policy although not perfect, is keeping the U.S. as safe as possible given the current terrorist threats around the world. Bernie wants to change everything. He believes that government has a responsibility to take care of its citizens by providing free universal health care, free higher education and more social programs to help care for the elderly, disabled and mentally ill. His foreign policy views stress diplomacy first and foremost with less reliance on the U.S. Military as a foreign policy tool and  a world wide police force  and working with our allies to be more active and involved in protecting and defending their own homelands, with the U.S. playing a mostly supportive role.

  So this is how things look, through my eyes. How do things look through your eyes?

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